What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Experts refer to erectile dysfunction as the inability to achieve sufficient erection for sexual intercourse or to sustain it until orgasm. Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which erectile dysfunction persists for more than six months. Erectile dysfunction and impotence often go hand in hand. Impotence can also include sexual problems like inability to conceive (anejaculation) or failure to ejaculate.

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What is Impotence?

Although many methods of treating cancer are very effective, they can often cause psychological or physical problems. Sexuality can also be affected depending on the type of cancer. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is the result of surgery for prostate cancer. The prostate gland and nerves necessary to erection the member are removed during surgery. Modern surgical techniques have allowed for the preservation of part of the nerve-plexus to allow for erection. This allows nerve recovery to occur slowly, which results in an improvement in erectile function.

Other surgical procedures, such as the removal of the bladder, rectum, or pelvis, can cause impotence. Additionally, debilitating therapies can also cause exhaustion and psychological blocks that affect potency. This is a major obstacle for cancer patients. Physical and sexual closeness are essential needs that we cannot live without.

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The Brain controls the Erection

There are many causes of male potency problems. Erectile dysfunctions often stem from neuronal disorders. The central nervous system is responsible for controlling erection. New drugs target the brain’s sexual centers.

Erections are more common when the sacral medulla’s erectile centre is intact, but the connection to brain is lost. This is even with less tactile stimulation. This is also supported by animal studies. In 1979, Benjamin D. Sachs, an experimental psychologist at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, found that rats with severed spine cords had over ten times more erections than normal. Also, erections occurred faster.

The spinal cord can be cut off and the normal inhibition the brain exerts on it is lost. In 1990, physiologists Kevin E. McKenna (Illinois) and Lesley Marson identified the brain’s center responsible for this inhibition. They were working at Northwestern University in Evanston (Illinois) at the time. This is a group of neurons located in the hindbrain. It is part of the brain’s stem. If the researchers destroyed this core group, the “nucleus paragigantocellularis” (PGN), in male rats, then more frequent and more intense erections occurred.

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The Brain is the most important Organ of Sexual Reproduction

They also discovered that PGN neurons transmit most of their signals directly into the lower spinal cord to erection-producing neuron. The neurotransmitter serotonin is released from the nerve endings in the PGN neurons. Serotonin blocks erections because it overrides the actions of pro-erectile neuronal messengers.

This is a great insight for patients who are taking drugs to treat depression. These drugs, among others, can increase brain serotonin levels. These drugs include antidepressants like Prozac (Fluctin), and Paxil (also known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Treatment can lead to sexual dysfunction. This includes delayed or blocked ejaculation for men, and low sexual interest in women and difficulty with orgasm. The drug’s ability to increase serotonin levels can, apparently, enhance certain natural inhibitory mechanisms that regulate sexual function.

However, this drug effect is not only beneficial to patients suffering from sexual problems. This can delay orgasm in men who have premature ejaculation. Doctors still need to examine in detail whether the central inhibitory effect serotonin-enhancing drug also aids men with abnormally high sexual urges. For example, it may be possible to treat sexually pathological tendencies towards children.

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