Can Potencialex Solve Erection Problems?

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem for many men. There are many ways to correct erectile dysfunction. Most men find it difficult to start the first step. It is not pleasant for the affected but it is important to get the problem addressed.

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It is difficult to talk about

Older men are more likely to experience erection problems. These problems can make sexual intercourse difficult for affected men, which can lead to a disruption in their relationship with their partner. It is difficult for most men to make the first step toward treatment. Shame is probably the main reason behind this behavior.

Because it is such a sensitive topic, men don’t like to talk about it. Erectile dysfunction can make it feel like their masculinity has been attacked. This is why the subject is still taboo. It is important to get involved, as erectile dysfunction is easily fixed. Talking openly about your problem has helped many sufferers. There are many ways to treat erectile problems, regardless of the cause.

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If you are experiencing difficulty or uncontrollable erections, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will know what to do, and have experience treating erectile dysfunction. It is a serious problem and should be addressed immediately.

To find the best treatment for erectile problems, you must first determine the cause. These can be both psychological and physical. It is possible to talk openly about the problem and uncover the reasons you are unable to erection.

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Psychological Reasons

Psychological reasons can include:

  • Fear of failure
  • Stress
  • You are under pressure to perform
  • Problems in relationships
  • Depression
  • Insecurity
  • Shame

Talking can help with psychological issues, such as depression. Sometimes, the doctor is unable to provide psychotherapeutic assistance but will refer the man to a sex therapist.

Affected men are not uncommon to fall into a spiral of despair after they have not had an erection once and then fail again the next time. It can be very difficult to get an erection if you have negative thoughts. It could be that you have had a negative experience in the past or that you are currently in a stressful position.

Problems with relationships, disappointments in expectations, transgressions, or misunderstandings are all possible. Talking openly with your partner and doctor about the issues can help you find a solution for your erection problems.


Physical causes include: Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, clogged veins and kidney problems, smoking, alcohol intake, medication, overweight.

Moreover, impotence is more common with older age. A key role is played by chronic diseases. These diseases can affect bodily functions which could include those that are necessary for erection. The blood level of sex hormones, which are essential for a good erection, also decreases. Smoking, alcohol and medication can also play a critical role. They reduce blood flow to the penis and cause blood vessels to become damaged, which increases the chance of developing impotence. Side effects of medication can also negatively impact erection.

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